What Our Readers Have To Say

The Inconvenient Child book
“You know, ever since I finished reading Sharyn and Lindsay’s book I just haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. What a truly resilient and strong person Sharyn is and how lucky is she to have Lindsay as her friend. I read a review and thought I would get it and read it – I’m so glad I did. I was born the same year as Sharyn and this book had much meaning for me. I read the book in two days and was amazed at Sharyn’s strength and endurance. I felt all sorts of emotions – including pride, love, disgust, disappointment and I cried. I loved the little girl you were and appreciate and admire the woman you became. Congratulations on a most wonderful and heartfelt book. Thank you for sharing your life with me”. Sharon Loiterton – Canberra, ACT

“Outstanding Book! I recently read The Inconvenient Child and could hardly put it down! What an incredible true story about a person of great courage and how she triumphed over unbelievable adversity and hardship. A truly fascinating, heartwarming look inside the life of singer Sharyn Chrystal (Killens). I would never wish such a childhood on anyone, but I would wish such a wonderful ending on everyone! This book is a huge inspiration to me whenever I am tempted to complain about the small inconveniences in my own life! I learned much from Sharyn’s struggles. Here’s to the girls who endured Parramatta and Hay!” Liz Moore – Idaho USA

“The Inconvenient Child is a riveting read. Lindsay Lewis, you are one awesome writer. You highlight the human spirit in a way that is both challenging and inspiring. Sharyn Killens is an amazing person to have survived such a life. It leaves you wondering how petty we can be at times. It also highlights how much we have to answer for as a country. These children were treated as animals and rejects when in fact all they needed was love and comfort. I hope our government will learn from this book and ensure that these atrocities never occur again.” Ludwina Dautovic TheRedTentWoman – Melbourne VIC

“This is a book packed with both joy and grief. During Sharyn’s years of abandonment it was almost too much to bear and I wanted to put the book down. That was impossible to do of course. I felt I needed to honour those years of misery that Sharyn and other children like her endured outside the warmth of a loving family. Sharyn’s battle to realise her own dreams and loves was very uplifting. I felt swept along on the journey to America, tears of joy at the ready. Lindsay achieved the difficult task of narrating a true story with an underlying feeling of honesty and integrity. I have been telling all my friends about this book.” Truda Rail – NSW

“I have finished the book and am so sorry it is finished. We laugh and we cry with Sharyn and feel every emotion with her on her quest to find herself. This is a book that will uplift you but also make you angry at how she was treated. I enjoyed it from whoa to go and well done for a job extremely well done. I would thoroughly recommend this book to all readers who like reading true life stories and I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed. I certainly wasn’t.”
Pam Bayfield – Past President of The Society of Women Writers

“Tonight I finished your book. It was incredible; I LOVED IT, devoured it! I haven’t read anything this compelling in a long time. Congratulations. It’s just WONDERFUL.”
Francine Bell – NSW

“I just want to say I have just read The Inconvenient Child. It has really inspired me to keep going. I thought I had a rough upbringing and hard life as a child, but it wasn’t anything like Sharyn and others had to go through. I just want to thank Sharyn for her story and I now am going to try and be more positive and try and forget or maybe put my past behind me? Thank you again Sharyn, I am so pleased you have now found happiness…Godbless.”
Sharron Wood – Te Awamutu, North Island, New Zealand

“I have just finished the book. I couldn’t put it down. What an amazing story. I was taken on a journey that bought me both tears of sadness and tears of joy. I have never read a book that made me feel like I was there living her life it was so detailed you could feel every place and every emotion. You should be very proud of this accomplishment and I am very happy that I was the first one to purchase the book on the internet and experience the story.”
Kelly Cookson – Thirlmere, NSW

“I have never read a book so fast in my life and felt so many emotions through the journey. Lindsay you are a wonderful writer. Sharyn you are an inspiration. It is amazing to hear about your life and get an insight into what you endured and then came out the other side a successful and loved lady. Thank you for this book and I think everyone should read this book.”
Beth Fielding – NSW

“I have just last night finished Sharyn’s amazing story. I could not put it down. No one could ever imagine this elegant, loving, talented lady had been through such much pain and torment. The blessing of family is the most precious gift in life. I thank god for mine. Sharyn, you must be so proud to have been given the opportunity to tell your story through this most amazing book.”
Lorraine Hughes, NSW Australia

“I saw your book in the local bookshop … so at Christmas time it was in my Secret Santa bag and I was so thrilled. Yes you guessed it, I immediately started reading and I just could not leave it for one minute. I loved the whole story. It was one of those times when a person comes into your life and tells it all. I was so moved with all your chapters and stories of heartache, pain and suffering and frustrations and anguish. You had and still have much strength to continue. I love that in you. Reading your story was to me a victory to you. A wonderful portrayal of your life from your early days to now.” Louise Campbell-Price – NSW

“I have just finished your book, watched all of your interviews and laughed and cried with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this story with us all and I hope you recover quickly from your heart transplant. You are my new found hero and I have found a place for you in my heart. What you have been through I can’t even imagine, I feel as though I know you so well and am blessed to have had you in my life through your book. Keep being the wonderful woman you are”.
Amy Setter (Kiwi on the Sunshine Coast) – Nambour, QLD

“I have not been so moved by a book since I first read My Place by Sally Morgan many years ago. I smiled, I cried and when you finally found your American family, I had the same sense of excitement I had the day I first met my birth mother. Thank you for sharing your story – my life is enriched because of reading it. All the very best for the future.” Terri Neuzerling – Kojonup West Australia

“Walking through our local library last Thursday to help choose books for my 11yr old my daughter Ella, I was struck by your book cover (positioned in the middle of my pathway for recommended reading) of the little girl who look just like me 45 years ago. I’m not an avid reader (in fact the last novel I read was 25 years…usually I start and never complete them) however I picked your book and just connected with it. I read and cried… cried… and for the first time finished a book within a few days. Thank you for sharing your heart’s honesty and for your greatest gift…your humility. I have some amazing people who have taught me many wonderful things and now its wonderful to know you.” Vanessa Van Wyk – Sydney, Australia

“What an incredible read – What a lady! Sad, heart wrenching and as her family in the States claimed a Miricale! Looking at the web site had no idea there were so many, some 500,000 throughout Australia! Horrifying! to say the least and never again. This book is an absolute must read – very humbling. Best wishes to Sharyn and trust her health is on the improve. And to Allan what a role model for all men – very caring.” Helen Hoban – Erina, NSW

”Sharyn, I have just finished reading your inspirational book. My Great-grandfather was an African-American who arrived in Australia sometime around the end of 1800 and married an English girl half his age. They settled in the Newcastle area. Like you I am very proud of my African-American heritage and would one day like to meet you. Hope your health is improving – keep smiling, keep singing and keep inspiring all. Beverley Lapacek – Pearl Beach, Central Coast, NSW

“I adored your book. I was sitting at work in Penrith wishing that I could have made it to your book signing at the local library (when you were there). Thank you for being an inspiration to be a better person. Keep shining. Louise Irving – Glenmore Park, NSW

“Your talk at our library early this year was so inspiring and I bought two copies – one for me and one to send to rels in Florence , South Carolina, just over the border from your rels. So delighted to see that you received a ‘new heart’ on TV and pleased that you are making a good recovery. God Bless, you’re such a treasure! Nancy Dixon – Taree, NSW

“I have just completed reading the best book I have ever read. It was so moving, I cried through out the book. Sharyn, your book stole my heart and you are amazing how you look at life, just goes to show, love makes the world go round. So happy you found your roots and loving family in America. You go girl!!!” Elly Stern – Gold Coast, Queensland

“Wow….after reading your book I knew coming to your Authors’ talk would be amazing but I didn’t realise how moved I would be! I have raved and ranted about the talk (and of course the book). I know the word inspirational comes up so often when I have read comments about you Sharyn and it really is the ultimate word to sum you up! I just wanted to say what an honour it was to meet not only you, but Lindsay as well and reading your book just reinforces the happy life that I am so blessed to be living.” Kellie Dunbar – Bathurst, NSW

“It was great to meet you and Lindsay and hear your story in person. Three of us at work have since bought autographed copies of your book. Good luck with the rest of your book tour, I am sure it will have just as great a response.” Michael Bushell – Forbes Advocate

“Never have I been to an event where everyone was crying. There was not a dry eye to be seen and the singing was beautiful. Everyone in the whole place stopped what they were doing and listened. What two incredibly talented women with an important story to tell.” Sally – Orange, NSW

“Many thanks to you both for a great evening in Bathurst and for giving BooksPlus the opportunity to be involved. I love the connections that book brings out and you made a room full of them. Congratulations!” Kathryn Bancroft – BooksPlus, Bathurst

“What a fantastic book. I read it to my husband while we were on holiday. We feel like everyone else & need to give you a big hug. Then when you meet your we family we wanted to cry & laugh with you, that was so good.” Dianne Suey – City Sider Motel Tamworth, NSW

“What a great choice you made to publish this book. Trudging through the trash at the newsagents in the airport, thankfully, I came upon this awesome and unsettling story. Certainly, Sharyn is a woman of true character.” Carolyn Tillie – Melbourne

“I was the crying girl at (your author talk) at Mona Vale Library. Since then I have actually found my great, great grandfather who was born in South Carolina in 1856!!!! I am so excited and knew I had a connection to indigenous people somewhere. I can’t wait to find out more. Thanks for giving me a push.” Suzanne Barber – North Balgowlah, NSW

“Every so often, a story comes along that shakes you to the core, then uplifts and inspires you in a way that only stories of true heroism can. The Inconvenient Child is such a story.”
Victoria Ugarte, Postcards From Millie – Clovelly NSW

“I have read The Inconvenient Child. What a book! I loved it. There were plenty of tears, so much sadness but then there was Joy when Sharyn met her beautiful family. I wish her heaps of good wishes. She is such a lovely warm person.” Patricia Falco – Coffs Harbour, NSW

“Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. How does she keep going – what a tough lady and how lucky they are good friends, to help bring this story to our attention. Rudd was right to apologise to foster children, it is unbelievable what they went through.” Beth – Orange, NSW

“I went through the wine and the Kleenex as I finished this amazing book. Good on you for telling the story and absolute admiration to Sharyn for living and surviving. I pray she has many good years with her wonderful Allan. I was so moved that I used parts of it in a speech at my Toastmasters Club. I titled my speech “Triumph of the Spirit”. Many of the members are in Book Clubs and are going to buy and recommend the book. And nearly all came over and wrote down the website and some who I had already told about it had looked it up on YouTube. Love and biggest hugs to both of you.”
Gloria Carter – Rose Bay, NSW

“I have just finished reading ‘The Inconvenient Child’… what an AMAZING book! I do have one criticism though… how on earth am I to find another biography to follow this one???
So many elements of Sharon’s story touched my heart. As an avid reader of biographies, this was definitely the best one I’ve read in a long, long time … heartfelt, raw and honest, this book had it all and was very hard to put down (but as a Mother of three boys under 7, I had to!!!). I will definitely recommend this book to others and especially my Mother who was born in Sydney in 1942.”
Jenni O’Brien – Kotara, NSW

“Sharyn my husband first read your book and said to me I think you will like this. Naturally I read it in 48 hours. Sharyn you are wonderful amazing my hero how superb are you! Poor Darling what one human being had to endure but not anymore! My 3 kids have read your book, magnificent, you are great and I wish you a long happy and prosperous life with your beautiful children and Family.” Sharon Sharpe – Double Bay, NSW

“Congratulations Sharyn and Lindsay, what an incredible journey of both the living and the telling! You are such an amazing woman of inspirational courage and strength of character! This is a life that needed to be written as the spoken word in conversation, cannot convey what truly happened without compromising intricate nuances and background that I found just as relevant as the events themselves. You not only survived but shone brilliantly! I felt for you every step of the way as the pages turned. Well done!”
Helena Brewer on the yacht ‘Oceandeep’, cruising the Whitsundays, Queensland

“I have just completed reading your amazing story. As I began your journey I could not believe what you endured as a child, as a baby…then as a woman…I feel thankful that I have been able to share your story. It made me cry, it confused me, it made me stop reading as I got up and hugged my boys and told my partner how much I love him. Sharyn I wish you nothing but love and happiness for all your days ahead, you truly deserve it! Always remember, you are a woman of substance…God bless you and your family. Your book has touched me and will always be a reminder to me how important it is to let those close – know how much they are loved”
Nikki Coulson – Point Cook Melbourne

“My friend and I attended Coffs Harbour library last week and listened to your story. Being one of the few younger ones there I just wanted to say how touched and inspired I was that night. It was very inspiring to listen to such a strong woman tell her life story and I want to say again… thank you so much for sharing it with us. All the best for the success of your book… the tears are still flowing. I both can and can’t wait, to get to the last chapters!” Nicole Hess – Coffs Harbour, NSW

“Please pass on my most heart felt wishes to the authors of this beautiful book, despite some of the most hideous reading. I wept tears of joy, sadness and at times despair for you. I have the most incredible admiration for Sharyn and her life, but with such a bright future now with a family that truly loves her. Keep safe and look to your bright future!” Dawn Tsoubos – Albany Creek, QLD

“I have just bought this book today, and finished it tonight – I could not put it down. A very heartwarming, albeit shocking at times, book. I hope Sharyn is well.” Cath Hyam – Maroubra NSW

“I bought the book the day it was reviewed in the Melbourne Herald Sun. I started to read it and could not put it down. On reading the book I cried for you (and me), I really felt for you. I am so happy that you finally found your family. I read the book in one day, it is a fantastic read. The very best of good wishes and thank you.” Di Rogers – Sunshine, Victoria

“I was so moved by the story that I felt compelled to write and say thanks for it. (I’ve never done that before) My book club will read it next month. It is an amazing story and to be able to rise above such adversity is truly inspiring. My thanks for the story and best wishes for your health.” Dee Powlay – ACT

“I have just finished your book! It was wonderful. I cried, I laughed and I was shocked how a beautiful little girl could be put through such heartache and abuse. You are a survivor!! You have both put together a beautiful, honest and eye-opening book. Congratulations.”
Lynne Rush – Sydney NSW

“The Inconvenient Child was truly an inspiring & touching story. Sharyn, you are a true inspiration and a breath of fresh air. Your book is breath-taking & lots of soggy tissues and I admire and respect you & may God Bless You always. Lindsay, you are a wonderful and talented author, which is something you can be very proud of. PS. Come to Dubbo (for an author talk)!!!”
Eleanor Seaman – Dubbo NSW

“I am not an avid reader and some times it takes me a year to read a book. But not this time, as it has taken me just over a week. What an amazing story and quite a few times I was a blubbering mess. I think Sharyn deserves the VC for overcoming such adversity, right from a young age. Just a little about myself, I will be 74 on the last day of this month. I have something in common with Alan, Sharyn’s husband, as I also am a Plumber. My thanks to Sharyn and Lindsay for sharing the account of a hard life and such a wonderful outcome with me and who ever else reads the book.” George Crook – Windsor NSW