The Inconvenient Child Book Club Notes

Tips for Starting A Book Club

Why not suggest The Inconvenient Child as your Book Club’s next project?
This remarkable true story has many important social, topical and relationship aspects, just ripe for in-depth discussion.

And to make it easy, a comprehensive list of discussion questions and additional information including ’The Writing Of’ is provided in the pdf fileReading Group Notes

“Click Here for Book Club Group Notes” or the BUTTON under the Notes cover photo on the right, to open the PDF file, or right click and ‘save link as’ or ‘save target as’ to download onto your desktop, then print out for your group.

Starting Your Own Reading Group
Decide the best size for your group. A smaller group (between four and ten) is ideal because this gives everyone a chance to participate in discussion. Alternately, larger groups allow for greater diversity.

Meeting Logistics
Where will your group meet? How often? What time? Are refreshments served?

Selecting Books
Identify the type of books your group will read. For example, do you want to focus on specific topics or genres?

How will you choose the books? Will you discuss a suggested list of titles and vote, will the host or hostess pick or will members take turns?

Choose books that challenge the group and generate discussion. Books with additional resources such as reading group guides, publisher and/or author websites with author interviews, enhanced bios or blogs certainly add new dimensions to the conversation.

Discussing Books
What atmosphere you want to cultivate? Groups can be serious and academic in tone, or lighthearted and social. Establish the tone as well as the pace of the meeting. A ‘social hour’ may be designated at the beginning of the meeting with a specific time designated for the start of the book in discussion.

Set the Guidelines for the Discussions.
Do you want to designate leaders? Who will introduce the title and author? What, if any, are the ground rules? Will guest speakers be invited? What about members who have not read the current selection?

Most Important
Enjoy yourself!

CONTENTS: About the Authors | On Writing The Inconvenient Child | About the Book | Suggested Discussion Topics

Spread The Word

Have you been touched by Sharyn’s story?

Would you like to help and tell others about The Inconvenient Child?

Many people who have read and been inspired by The Inconvenient Child, are looking for ways to tell others of this inspiring book. Not only is this a compelling, provocative and uplifting story, but Sharyn’s experiences and her positive attitude are motivating many people to follow their dream.

Word of mouth is still the most effective way for a book like this to gain recognition and if The Inconvenient Child has touched you as much as some of our readers tell us they were, you may already have some great ideas how you can let others know about it.

Here are some suggestions to help you tell others about this remarkable book.

Put a POST on your Social Media Platorm – FaceBook, Instagram etc and encourage others to do the same. A wide selection of The Inconvenient Child images are available here. All the instructions are given for easy inclusion and download.

Give the book as a gift, to friends and colleagues.

Suggest The Inconvenient Child as your Book Club’s next project. This remarkable story has many important social, topical and relationship aspects, just ripe for in depth discussion. And to make it easy, a comprehensive list of discussion questions and additional information is already provided in our Reading Group Notes section. Click here to download them.

If you have a Website or Blog, please share your views on the book and how it touched your life. Obviously you won’t want to give the whole story away but why not recommend your blog’s visitors read it as well, and link to

Consider writing a book review for your local paper, your favorite magazine or a website you frequent. Why not ask your favorite podcaster to have Lindsay speak as a guest. Media people often give more consideration to the requests of their listeners.

If you own a shop or business in Australia, why not put a display of The Inconvenient Child books on your counter to resell to customers? Miracle Publishing will make books available for resale in quantities as low as eight at a time, at wholesale rates so you can make some money as well as having an excellent discussion topic or discussion starter on your counter. Go to Contact Us and make your request.

If you know of people who have a voice to the wider community, ask them if they would make some comment on the book, on their website or in their newsletter.

Buy some copies of Sharyn’s story and donate them to youth shelters, women’s prisons or rehabilitation homes; places where people might be really encouraged by Sharyn’s story and her motivational message.

Talk about the book on eMail lists you’re on, Forums and FaceBook pages you frequent and other places you communicate with people on the Internet. Please don’t make it an advertisement, but why not share how The Inconvenient Child has inspired you or impacted on your life and offer people the link to The Inconvenient Child website.

Thank you for your support.